Some months ago, I began requesting and delivering written 1-2 pagers instead of PowerPoint slides and it changed everything....
1 February 2023
15 January 2024
7 rules to help you WIN business:
1. Put competitive advantage first: Do you have a winning, scalable business model that is differentiated?
2. Make the trend your friend: Will your strategy shift your portfolio toward granular pockets of profitable market growth?
3. Focus outside-in: How do you benchmark your growth to that of your peers? Are you growing faster? Where are you winning?
4. Turbocharge your core. Is your core primed for growth? If not, what will it take to reignite its growth? Do it. Check it. Grow it.
5. Grow where you know: Are you prioritising new business opportunities where you are a natural owner?
6. Build a team of HEROs: Establish stretch goals and get people to believe in your competitive advantage. Execute.
7. Know your ABCs: Always Be Customer-focused. All decisions need to be taken with the ABCs in the back of your team’s mind.